Access Control: The Basics Guide

Imagine being able to enter your apartment, office or gym without having to take out the keys from your pocket or bag.

Consider how easily you can invite guests to your home without having to give them a backup copy of your keys or greet them at the door when they arrive.

Access Control implements these "what-if" scenarios to provide the most convenient access method imaginable. Access control systems benefit people at all levels of a smart apartment or commercial building: residents, their guests and service providers, managers and operators, and building owners.

If you're curious about what access control is and how it can be used in residential or commercial settings across the UK, read on to learn about the technology and its incredible benefits.

What is access control?

In the residential industry, access control refers to a method of automating property access so that only authorized residents, visitors, and staff can enter those spaces.

Access control systems come in many different forms, from physical keys and lockboxes to cloud-based systems. Cloud-based platforms, such as airEkey, rely on cloud computing to enable access no matter where the resident or building operator is physically located. This provides convenience and scalability for owners who adopt it.

Typically, automatic access control involves the use of keyboards and codes, which can be distributed or revoked by the operator. However, access control can extend far beyond a single unit. airEkey's smart lock platform includes Bluetooth locks and mobile passes, key fobs and card readers, providing customizable community solutions.

Access control systems provide a more secure way to control who can access personal and shared spaces within a residential or commercial community. Since everyone wants a safe place to live and work, it's easy to see why this service is gaining popularity.


Residential Access Control

Considering access control to your residential building? This is a good move. Residential access control is growing in popularity as it provides residents with additional security and convenience and provides management teams with a 360-degree view of access activity.

In addition to allowing residents to enter their homes without a physical key, access control brings countless conveniences. If residents expect a package, they can assign a one-time access code to the courier. Residents can provide frequent visits as needed if child care providers visit more frequently.

Finally, residential access control systems can be used for self-guided tours. Because potential tenants can get their own access codes, they are able to tour independently, freeing up labor expenses for owners and accelerating rental goals.


Residential Access Control

Considering access control to your residential building? This is a good move. Residential access control is growing in popularity as it provides residents with additional security and convenience and provides management teams with a 360-degree view of access activity.

In addition to allowing residents to enter their homes without a physical key, access control brings countless conveniences. If residents expect a package, they can assign a one-time access code to the courier. Residents can provide frequent visits as needed if child care providers visit more frequently.

Finally, residential access control systems can be used for self-guided tours. Because potential tenants can get their own access codes, they are able to tour independently, freeing up labor expenses for owners and accelerating rental goals. Check out our recent white paper to learn more about the impact of self-guided travel on rental decisions.

Commercial Access Control System

Access control systems may be well known in residential settings, but there are countless use cases in commercial buildings too - so many

Commercial access control operates along the same framework as its residential iteration, granting access only to those with the correct credentials. Offering great flexibility, operators can use these platforms to assign or revoke access rights in minutes. Employees can come in and out at different times—a terrific perk given the popularity of flexible scheduling.

Commercial access control also has security advantages. Because managers can easily check who entered their buildings at what time, they are better able to identify security threats. This 24/7 monitoring also helps them avoid late-night security shifts, reducing labor costs.

The difference of airEkey

There are many access control platforms on the market today, but few can compare to airEkey. airEkey's access control systems are designed to increase efficiency, reduce costs and simplify everything related to asset-wide access control.

airEkey also has a plethora of integrations and partnerships that make our access control platform even more attractive. Instead of installing a solution completely independent of your PMS system, airEkey builds on the software you already use to manage your community and adds top-level access controls on top of it.

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