Seamless Online Check-In for Hotels, B&Bs, and Apartments

As Simple as Airplane Check-In

Let your guests check in online before they arrive, offering them a smooth experience while you automate paperwork, saving time and reducing costs.    

What Makes Online Check-In Automated

Online check-in streamlines the entire process, from collecting guest data to processing payments, making it efficient and hassle-free for both guests and property managers.

Automated Tourist Tax Calculation and Collection

AirEkey automatically calculates the tourist tax for each reservation and requests online payment from guests, simplifying the process and ensuring accurate billing.

Seamless Collection of Additional Payments

With airEkey, you can easily request and collect any additional payments online, including deposits, extra services like breakfasts, transfers, tours, and more.

Digital Document Signing via OTP

Guests can securely sign documents or contracts, such as house rules, using a one-time password (OTP, ensuring authenticity and ease of process.

Seamless Integration with PMS, Channel Manager, and OTAs

With airEkey Online Check-In, you can manage all your reservations from various channels in one centralized dashboard, ensuring smooth synchronization with your PMS, Channel Manager, and OTAs.

How Online Check-In Works

Guests upload their information during online check-in, freeing you to focus on what really matters—providing exceptional service.

The guest makes the reservation.

AirEkey emails the guest a link to begin the online check-in process.

After uploading their documents, guests can proceed with any online payments you request, such as the tourist tax.

If required, guests can later digitally sign documents or contracts using a one-time password (OTP).

Benefits of Online Check-in

Save time and money with online check-in, streamline all paperwork and reduce costs immediately with our efficient online check-in process

  • 01.

    Speed Up Bureaucracy

    Save valuable time on administrative tasks and focus on more important activities.

  • 02.

    Avoid Errors and Penalties

    Automate data submission to minimize errors and avoid penalties from compilation mistakes.

  • 03.

    Say Goodbye to In-Person Tourist Tax Collection

    With airEkey, collecting the tourist tax is 100% online—eliminate the hassle and streamline your process.

  • 04.

    Remote Bureaucracy

    Manage check-in paperwork from anywhere, ensuring flexibility and efficiency.

  • 05.

    Receive Documents Before Guest Arrival

    Review your guests' documents in advance, ensuring a smooth check-in process.

Insights for success

Read the stories from airEkey customers